The immune system is built in defense system of the human body and fight against any foreign invader unrecognized by producing antibodies, hormones, biochemical and immune complexes. In other words, when our body faces the germ, its first line of defense of our immune system. Specialized cells and organs help the body recognize and respond to foreign invaders. Our immune system diseases, even has its own circulatory system, called the lymphatic system and parts of the bone marrow, spleen, thymus and lymph nodes of the network. What are the diseases of the immune system? If our immune system can not perform its work, the results can be serious. Disorders of the immune system include allergies - inappropriate immune response to substances that are usually harmless, graft-versus. Host - life-threatening reaction in people who receive organ transplants, immune deficiency diseases - diseases in which your resistance to disease becomes dangerously low, autoimmune diseases - diseases that cause immune system cells attack your own body and tissues by mistake. This occurs when the immune reaction is reduced or absent, or known as immunosuppression. Acquired immunodeficiency may be a complication of diseases such as HIV infection and malnutrition (in particular, the lack of protein). The following conditions and diseases can lead to immunodeficiency disorders:
HIV / AIDS, ataxia-telangiectasia, combined immunodeficiency disease, complement lasix 20 mg daily deficiencies, Di George syndrome, syndrome of, leukocyte adhesion defects, congenital gamma globulin-emicheskiy, selective deficit IGA. Autoimmune diseases arise from inappropriate immune response against substances and tissues normally present in the body. Imagine our body, as the city where the safety of people is part of the immune system, so when the immune system starts killing his people as a result harmless to catastrophic events. Cavity, Wagner's granulomatosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, ulcerative colitis, thrombocytopenia, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, poliomyelitis, myasthenia gravis, mixed connective tissue disease, Graves' disease, glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus type 1, polihondrit, uveitis, Bechterew's disease, ADEM, and much more . Symptoms often occur in diseases of the immune system include fatigue, fever, generalized hostility (malaise) and lack of symptoms of alopecia (hair loss), gum disease, skin disorders (such as warts, acne, and eczema), herpes, diarrhea, infections ear. A. Anti-nuclear antibody tests
2. Autoantibody tests
3. CBC
4. C-reactive protein (CRP)
5. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
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